Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Fuzzy Guys - Kiwi & Ebony

Name: Kiwi
Nicknames: Kiwister, Keester
Age: 6 years
Breed: Llama
Job: Predator Control

Kiwi is a cool dude. He is very curious, very silly and absolutely adores treats of any kind! He has taken it upon himself to be the herd guardian, a job he takes very seriously. He patrols the perimeter regularily and has chased deer, rabbits, and birds away from the horses. He makes me laugh with his antics. He loves to bug his little sister Ebony and wrestle with her....she does not enjoy it so much.

Name: Ebony
Nickname: Eboneezer
Age: 3 years
Breed: Llama
Job: Head of the Herd

Ebony is quite the girl. She was so very timid when I bought her...it took her 8 months to trust me enough to eat food out of my hands. Now she almost knocks me over if I have treats within 10 feet of her! She has become the ABSOLUTE boss of the entire horse and llama herd, even above the undisputed horse boss Phoenix. Ebony knows how to spit and is not afraid to chase any animal if they do not heed her warnings. The horses keep a healthy distance and if she makes a gurlge in her throat everyone is gone fast! Ebony will be bred next year when she is 4 years old for a 2010 baby.

Kiwi doing one of his regular perimeter fence inspections. Showing little sis how its done!

Kiwi and Ebony love to tower above everyone, photographer included. They are full brother and sister and originate from Paris Ontario.

Snow is life of a llama. Kiwi and Ebony quite enjoy the snow, they stay very warm in their wooley fleece coat. For the past 2 winters they have lived with the sheep in the barn, however this year they are going to spend the winter living with the horses up top in the horse winter pasture. There is a big run in shed built last summer for the horses, and we are at work building another run in shed for the llamas. They all get along, but because the winter field is on the top of a hill with no trees we need to make sure everyone has ample space to get out of the cold and the wind. There will be 2 large heated water tubs and 2 large round bale feeders, stuffed full of yummy hay 24/7. And lets not forget the handfuls of grain these two will recieve on a regular basis. I think the llamas and the horses will all be quite content with their winter living conditions, I know the llamas will enjoy the freedom of living outdoors and doing as they please when they please.

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