Sunday, January 18, 2009

Injured Foot Update

Well with the storm that we have been having and all the cold and snow blowing outside, Misty is nice and comfy in the barn. She gets to stay warm and dry while everyone else is out in the snow.
Her foot is healing well, I am very happy with the progress. She should be fine to go back outside by the weekend. She is being such a good girl about having her wound cleaned and treated with antibiotic ointments. Its sore, but she lets me get it done.

Her stall has 3 big windows the are open directly to the outside. She can look out and see her pasture mates when they are at the bottom of the field. She also gets lots of fresh air, which is very very important. Horses do not do well when they are too sealed up in a barn. When I go into the barn in the morning Misty starts calling out to me.....I think she wants to make sure I don't forget to bring her grain!

1 comment:

Patsy said...

Thanks for the up date, I am hopeing for her to get well soon and this week in sounds good.