Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A nice February day

Gracie, Phoebe, Blaze and Cricket decided to go for a run around the fields today. Blaze spent about 2 hours out with the mares and he really seemed to enjoy himself. He is lucky he is wearing a blanket, he has recieved a few nips and bites, but only because the mares want to show him that they are each above him! He likes to be out with the herd and sad when he has to go back in the barn with the llamas for the night.
Gracie had a good run today. As usual, she loves to run! She really worked up a sweat and had to roll at least a dozen times to cool down. I took Blaze's blanket off today for a few minutes and he rolled and rolled and rolled and rolled.....and scratched....rubbed....rolled some more......he has worn his blanket 24/7 for 4 months, it was only removed for medical prcedures. I am sure the air on his skin felt great! Blaze having some dinner with his mommy! He is so little!!! She is so big! I saw her grooming him today.... It is great to have the little guy home!!!!!

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