Friday, February 8, 2008

Natural horsemanship work

Phoenix and I spent some quality time together today. We went for a nice walk, practiced commands, stood tied while I chatted and had a photo session. It was a great and productive day, we had lots of fun and I enjoyed myself. Gracie has calmed down a bit, and this has allowed me to work with the other horses. I still need to spend more time with Cricket but that will be later in the week.....Blaze is coming home tomorrow morning and that will of course throw everything and everyone out of whack!!

Gracie also has a natural horsemanship training session tomorrow, to that should be lots of fun. I want to do all kinds of things with the big girl, and its high time we started our weekly training sessions again. I am really getting into the natural horsemanship side of equine life, I have seen amazing results from it. I would like to learn a lot about it, and work with all my horses using natural methods. Gracie made a remarkable transistion when we first started with natural horsemanship.
Phoenix is such a cute little girl! She is more like 14.3hh rather than the 15hh I was told, but thats fine with makes her cuter!! She is very well trained and we are having lots of fun.

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