Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snowy, Snowy, Snowy Day!

It was a very snowy day.....there was lots of snow and it was very windy. The horses stood out in the snow and got covered in the stuff! they looked kind of funny actually.

I did manage to get some very good scenery shots of everything blanketed in white. So pretty.

Buck and Cricket stood out with their bums to the wind and had a nap in the snow. They got very covered in it, but lucky them they have a fur coat....I was freezing! If you look very closely you can see a dark blob in the run-in shed....that is Phoenix....she decided to get in out of the wind and snow. It must have been pretty warm in there because the snow melted right off of her.

Pheeny going for a run in the snow. See even horses like to play in the snow!

Misty spent her time eating....snowy hay? who cares! She just kept munching away. Actually the digestion process keeps the horses very warm.

Jazz and Ace also spent time chowing on the hay. They were eating at the top bale feeder. These little boys are good little friends.

Kiwi and Ebony....the llamas who come from the Altiplano.....which is covered in snow...COLD SNOW.....spent all their time in their llama hut. I only saw Ebony come out once, other than that they hunkered down on their straw bedding. Silly llamas! This is their natural habitat! Me thinks Ebony and Kiwi have been too spoiled!


Patsy said...

What fun they must have and the snow looks deep.

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures!!!!
It really is beautiful there :)