Monday, December 1, 2008

The Scary Horse Eating Snowman!!

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is my rendition of a snowman....more like a snow triangle :) Anyways, I thought it would be fun to build one for the horses with hay shoved in it for them to eat. It was fun to build, and so funny to watch them approach it. They were quite nervous of it when they first saw it. They thought it was a scary horse eating snowman!! By the time they saw it it was getting dark. I had to use my flash, which scared them even more.

Ace and Jass were the first ones to approach the snowman. They seemed to get over their fear of it much faster than the big guys. They began to eat the hay almost immediately.

Buck was next, I guess he figured that if they little boys could get near the intruder and not get eaten then he would go have a look himself. So he chased the little boys away and checked out the snowman.

But....Ace came back...the snowman is so tasty!

Phoenix decided that she too wanted to see what everyone was upto. So she came over to eat some of the snowman too. Yummy.

Buck and Phoenix spent a long time just standing by the snowman, not letting anyone else near it. Misty never bothered to come and check the snowman out, she is pretty standoffish, that one. Cricket was totally freaked out the "the monster in the field" that she did not come over but rather ran around it snorting and stamping her feet. I suppose with her poor eyesight, she could not really figure out what it was and it took much longer for her to get her nerves up to check it out.
When I arrived the next day the snow triangle was shorter....someone knocked the top off and all the hay way eaten. It was fun to watch them though. Next time I am going to build a bigger one, and earlier in the day so I can get better pictures.

1 comment:

Patsy said...

How funny, a hay snowman that is a good one LOL