Thursday, December 17, 2009

Prayers For Ace

On Sunday Ace colicked. He was immediately seen by the vet, and when his condtion worsened we made the decision to tranfer him to the veterinary hospital. He had a rough night on sunday.
On Tuesday night I recieved a phone call around 930 pm and the vet was saying that Ace was going into shock, his cardiac rythm was 80 (in horses the norm is 28-40). He had a temperature and was rolling frantically. I made the extremely difficult decision and gave the vet permission to put Ace down if the vet thought it was time. There were no calls through the night, and it was a long night.
Yesterday morning I spoke to the vet and Ace had a sudden turn around near midnight, his cardiac rythm is down in the 50's and his temperature is back to normal. He was able to produce manure so all signs point to the blockage moving. The vet is still going to give him one more nasogastric tube with mineral oil and he is still on some pain meds.
Ace's blood tests have come back showing anemia and he has blood in his urine, but as the vet said this is likely due to the extreme stress his little body has been under.
He is not out of the woods, but we are all praying he will get better soon. As the vet said, we do not know the extent of damage to his intestines, so we have to keep that in mind. Ace is being treated for the anemia and blood in his urine, as well as he is still on meds to keep his system going. He is on morphine for pain. The vet will keep him on the meds for a few more days and then once Ace is off all the meds completely and is eating, drinking and passing manure for a few days without issue, he will be ready to come home.
The vet also reported that Ace is brighter and taking more of an interest in his surroundings. So we are all prying hard that Ace continues to improve and hopefully he will be home in time for Christmas.
I visited Ace today and he was 1000 times better than a few days ago. He was bright, interested in his surroundings and cheeky :)
Keep good thoughts for Ace and hopefully he will make a full recovery. He is 2.5 years old and still has lots of living to do!

1 comment:

Patsy said...

I am so sorry to hear this and hope with all my heart Ace is even better today. Keep us up to date.
Hugs to you and Ace.