Sunday, July 12, 2009

We Have ANOTHER Baby!!

Well this little girl was eager to arrive....she came a full 20 days before her expected due date! She is a gorgeous dunskin filly with a black mane, dorsal stripe and white legs.

Her little tail is black and white!

She arrived at 8 pm on July 11th and the delivery was smooth and uncomplicated. Mom and baby are both doing well.

Today was the first day outside and she liked to stay under her mommy's belly! She is a little shy and quiet, unlike her sister Jetta.

It was a nice day to be outside! The weather was warm and sunny but there was a breeze so it kept the bugs down.

Isn't she precious?!?!?!

We have been practicing with her halter already so she will be used to it in no time. :)

1 comment:

Patsy said...

She is so cute and I love that photo of her under her mothers belly.