Monday, November 17, 2008

Its Hay Time!

Yesterday we put out the big round bales of hay for the first time this year :) It is quite remarkable that we have been able to hold off so long without having to put one out. We have given them some small square bales in the past few weeks, but even then normally the grass is dried up and useless in August! Everyone was over joyed at the new fresh hay ;)

Kiwi and Ebony have fit in well with the herd of horses, they are even eating hay out of the balers at the same time, right beside the horses. Kiwi and Ebony also recieve a flake of Alfalfa hay and some grain in their 'llama lounge" each day. Not that they totally need it, but it keeps them interested in their home.

Misty, Kiwi, Ebony, Ace and Buck enjoy the new hay!

Ebony and Cricket are eating at the tope bale alone for now. There is too many animals to share just one bale and Cricket does not like to be crowded, but she is fine with Ebony.

The heaters have been put into the water tanks and the horses are scared of them. They think they are snakes. So it takes a very long time for them to build up their courage to drink. I have covered the wire with a blakc tubing and blocked part of it with wood, so hopefully that will help. It rained so much the other day that a pool formed in the corner of the pasture....and all the horses are drinking out of it for the moment.......silly horses.

1 comment:

Patsy said...

I guess they are ready for winter. Will snow be for off?